How to find financing for a company?
Reading time:
5 min
additional resources to finance a business idea is not an easy task. Potential…
Crowdestate 2019: 2nd quarter summary
Reading time: 3 min
It's time, to sum up, the second quarter of 2019 for Crowdestate crowdfunding platform…
Crowdestate’s Risk Rating
Reading time: 3 min
When investing in different Crowdestate investment opportunities you have definitely n…
How to choose a property for an investment?
Reading time: 4 min
When talking about real estate, many people believe it as the ultimate investment with…
Invest in Georgia with Crowdestate
Reading time: 2 min
Georgian real estate market
In June 2014, the EU and Georgia signed an Association Agreeme…
Via Meravigli 16, Milan: first exit for Crowdestate in Italy
We are extremely happy to announce that Via Meravigli 16, Milan investment opportunity has been successfu…
How to assess a financial model?
Reading time: 5 min.
Crowdfunding can be divided into several parts. On the one hand, we may draw a line betw…
Secure your data and investments with Google Authenticator
Reading time: 4 min
Along with technological advances, financial service providers have become increasingl…