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In April of this year, Crowdestate investors had the opportunity to finance a project from CMP Solution OÜ – the construction of a dry concrete production line. Today, 22nd of August 2016, we were to make the principal and interest payment ahead of schedule.
The team of CMP Solution OÜ wishes to extend their gratitude to the investors of Crowdestate for their courage to finance this project. The project went according to schedule and the customer considers the equipment and work performed to be of great quality.
The weighing and dosing part of the dry concrete factory is completed, and the trial of the factory is scheduled for the first week of October 2016. The factory will be producing high-grade concrete. When for example the average quality of concrete used widely is C20 or C25, the factory will be able to produce concrete of up to C125 quality. Mostly it will start producing concrete with C85 quality.
The dry concrete produced in the factory can be used for the bases of windmills or landing strips of airports. What is worth mentioning is that this concrete will dry in about 10 hours so the landing strip will be usable for landing airplanes very fast.
Crowdestate thanks the investors for participating in the project, and wishes all the best for the team of CMP Solution OU.
The actual investment term was 140 days, with an interest rate of 18.02% (interest rate is higher due to the project being completed ahead of schedule).