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Category: investment academy
Blog posts to be posted in category “Investment Academy”
Why sticking to your 1 true investment plan is a great idea
Regular reviewing and sticking to your investment plan (and we hope you have one) remains ever-important in t…
The illusion of buyback guarantees
If you have ever considered investing in unsecured, high-risk consumer or payday loans, you have probably com…
Understanding the Power of Real Estate Crowdfunding in Europe
Under the European Crowdfunding Regulation EU 2020/1503, real estate crowdfunding has emerged as a transforma…
New European crowdfunding regulation EU 2020/1503 levels the playing ground and provides protection to the investors
4 minute read
The EU market for crowdfunding has remained underdeveloped compared with other major world e…
Investment risks and expected returns
There’s an intrinsic link between risk and return in everything you do and do not. Investing is no different.…
3 ways to invest in real estate
Depending on your willingness to be an active or passive investor and the importance of selecting the real es…
Real estate: How much should you invest in it?
In one of our previous posts, we introduced the concept of asset allocation and explained the importance of d…
What are the 5 major real estate asset classes and how much do they yield?
4 minute read
An asset class is a group of financial instruments that have comparable characteristics and …